Autumn Gardening Tasks to Start Today

autumn gardening tasks

Get Ready For The Cold With These Autumn Gardening Tasks

Autumn in the UK brings a blend of vibrant colours, brisk weather, and a unique set of gardening tasks that every landscaper should undertake to maintain the health and beauty of their outdoor spaces.

Proper garden maintenance is essential during autumn, as it helps to maintain your garden’s health and visual appeal as we approach the colder months. Not only does autumn gardening help your garden survive the winter, but also ensures a robust rejuvenation of your outdoor space next spring.

As the children return to school and the nights draw in, now is the ideal time to dust off your gardening tools and get your outdoor spaces ready for the end of the year.

At M&M Driveways, quality workmanship and high standards are at the forefront of everything we do. We have been providing exceptional landscaping and driveway services for over two decades, and continue to be a leading name in Stoke-on-Trent and the surrounding areas.

Using our passion and expertise for landscaping, we are sharing the most important autumn gardening tasks for you to get started on right now to give your landscape the best chance to thrive during these transitional seasons.

Key Autumn Gardening Tasks 2024

With the days beginning to shorten, trees shedding their leaves, and temperatures falling, now is a perfect time to concentrate on these autumn gardening tasks to give your landscape a head start next spring:

1. Clear Fallen Leaves

One of the most obvious, but vital, autumn gardening tasks involves clearing fallen leaves.

Fallen leaves are a symbol of this season and can be quite picturesque, but you should not be tempted to let them linger in your landscape. Fallen leaves can smother your lawn and attract pests, meaning they need to be removed as soon as possible.

This is an ongoing autumn gardening task, as the leaves continue to fall and clutter up your lawn.

To keep your garden safe and healthy this season, gather the leaves into heaps using a rake or leaf blower. In heaps, the leaves will be easier to remove from the landscape in whatever way you see fit. You can either turn leaves into compost for future use or use them immediately as mulch for your flower beds.

2. Take Care of the Lawn

Your lawn requires special attention during autumn, as this season is the ideal time to recharge your lawn before winter sets in and ensure it stays healthy until the next gardening season.

Three main autumn gardening tasks are needed to preserve your lawn during this period and ensure it remains in its prime for a lush revival in spring:


Aeration is vital for lawn care during autumn. Create small holes in the lawn using a garden fork or an aerator to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots which will help preserve your lawn during the colder temperatures.


Fertilisation becomes more effective after aeration, as now each blade of grass can get the nutrients it needs to withstand the colder seasons.

Use a potassium-rich, autumn-specific fertiliser to strengthen the grass against diseases during extreme cold to ensure you will see a lush, green lawn once more in spring.


Finally, overseeding your lawn during autumn helps manage any bare patches that may have developed over the summer, ensuring a full, thriving lawn next year.

Overseed thinning or bare areas with grass seeds. Make sure you water the area well and leave it undisturbed for as long as possible to encourage new grass growth.

3. Prune Shrubs and Trees

Pruning your shrubs and trees is another critical autumn gardening task.

Pruning shears, loppers, and saws can be used according to the types of trees in your garden, but for large or overgrown plants, professional help from landscapers might be needed to get this done safely.

Using sharp tools, remove any dead, diseased, or damaged branches from the trees, ensuring you make accurate, clean cuts for optimal plant health.

Proper pruning maintains the shape of your shrubs and trees during autumn and winter for aesthetic appeal, as well as encourages healthy growth. Including this in your autumn gardening tasks prepares your trees and shrubs for their winter hibernation.

4. Plant Spring Bulbs

Autumn is a great time to set the foundation for a vibrant spring garden, making planting one of the most significant autumn gardening tasks to start now.

Spring bulbs like daffodils, tulips, and crocuses can be planted during this period so you will have a vibrant, attractive garden in the warm weather next year.

While planting, ensure you’re adding the bulbs to a well-drained area. This can be done by digging holes three times the depth of the bulb and planting it with the pointy end facing up. Water the bulbs lightly during the season to keep them healthy and hydrated.

5. Mulching

Mulching is another essential autumn gardening task as it shields your plants and soil during the colder months.

Organic mulch like wood chips, straw, and compost can be easily obtained as they are affordable, making them suitable for all landscapes. Spread the mulch around perennials, trees, and shrubs to insulate the roots and preserve soil moisture throughout the season.

While mulching, especially with organic materials, avoid piling it against plant stems as they could rot and cause more landscape problems.

6. Clean and Store Garden Tools

Proper maintenance of your gardening tools significantly improves their longevity and performance, making it one of the most essential autumn gardening tasks. The upkeep and cleanliness of your tools are important in extending their lifespan, and now is the ideal time to organise them before the new spring season.

Wash all your garden tools with water and a wire brush before storing them. Also, dedicate some time to sharpening any blades and oil any moving parts, ensuring they are in top condition ahead of winter storage.

After cleaning and maintaining, safely store your gardening tools in a dry, covered place like a garden shed.

7. Tidy Up Flower Beds

This season, you’ll need to spend some time tidying up any flower beds in your garden.

For this key autumn gardening task, you’ll first need to remove dead annuals and weeds. You can do this by hand or with small gardening forks to avoid disturbing the soil. Any spent flowers can be added to the compost bin.

Any overgrown perennials can be dug up, divided, and replanted in the flower beds for better growth control next spring.

8. Protect Delicate Plants

As the temperatures start falling, some delicate plants may need extra protection to help them get through the winter. In such cases, moving potted plants indoors or to a sheltered location can benefit your overall landscape.

Sensitive plants can be covered with burlap or fleece, and cloches or cold frames can be used for extra protection where needed.

9. Prepare the Greenhouse

If you have a greenhouse, now’s the time to get it ready for the winter.

Spend some time this season on autumn gardening tasks such as cleaning the glass for maximum light, checking heaters and ventilation, and organising pots, trays, and tools. This gives your greenhouse plants the best chance to survive the year’s chilliest months.

10. Plan and Prepare for Spring

Finally, the tranquillity of autumn can offer a wonderful opportunity to plan a productive spring garden and get a head start for the upcoming seasons.

As gardening slows down and you start spending more time indoors, you can start planning your planting schedule for the upcoming year.

To make the best decisions for the new seasons, first review your gardening successes and challenges from this year as this will make it easier to decide what to do next season.

Once you have a plan, start ordering seeds and plants. This will ensure a seamless gardening journey in the new year.


Implementing these autumn gardening tasks will not only keep your garden looking its best but also set the stage for a lively and healthy landscape in the spring.

At M&M Driveways, we are passionate about helping you maintain a beautiful garden all year round. Our team of professionals is always ready to provide expert advice and services tailored to your needs.

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